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The New England Biolabs Podcast: Lessons from Lab and Life

Dec 1, 2022

Hear Mihir Kekre, who spent 4 years at the Centre for Genomic Pathogen Surveillance at the Wellcome Sanger Institute, share his experience in antimicrobial resistance research and...

Oct 27, 2022

Hear Chip Taylor, founder of the non-profit Monarch Watch, share his research findings and explain how we can help protect this endangered insect.

Sep 21, 2022

Hear MIT Lecturer Jessie Stickgold-Sarah, who shares her perspective on the importance of good communication skills –– especially in science.

Aug 4, 2022

Hear Susan Aitken, Molecular Laboratory Asst. Manager of the HUCL lab, which provided testing for Harvard and MIT students and staff during the pandemic.

Jul 7, 2022

Hear Dr. Anu Rebbapragada of FH Health – a Health-Tech company that was created early in the COVID-19 pandemic to address public diagnostic testing needs.